 pyproject.toml                         |   31 -------------------------
 src/cryptography.egg-info/requires.txt |    2 -
 tests/bench/test_aead.py               |   40 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 tests/bench/test_ec_load.py            |    8 +++---
 tests/bench/test_hashes.py             |    4 +--
 tests/bench/test_hmac.py               |    4 +--
 tests/bench/test_x509.py               |   16 ++++++-------
 7 files changed, 37 insertions(+), 68 deletions(-)

Index: cryptography-43.0.0/pyproject.toml
--- cryptography-43.0.0.orig/pyproject.toml
+++ cryptography-43.0.0/pyproject.toml
@@ -66,8 +66,6 @@ nox = ["nox"]
 test = [
     "pytest >=6.2.0",
-    "pytest-benchmark",
-    "pytest-cov",
@@ -118,7 +116,7 @@ exclude = [
-addopts = "-r s --capture=no --strict-markers --benchmark-disable"
+addopts = "-r s --capture=no --strict-markers"
 console_output_style = "progress-even-when-capture-no"
 markers = [
     "skip_fips: this test is not executed in FIPS mode",
@@ -140,33 +138,6 @@ module = [
 ignore_missing_imports = true
-branch = true
-relative_files = true
-source = [
-    "cryptography",
-    "tests/",
-source = [
-   "src/cryptography",
-   "*.nox/*/lib*/python*/site-packages/cryptography",
-   "*.nox\\*\\Lib\\site-packages\\cryptography",
-   "*.nox/pypy/site-packages/cryptography",
-tests =[
-   "tests/",
-   "*tests\\",
-exclude_lines = [
-    "@abc.abstractmethod",
-    "@typing.overload",
-    "if typing.TYPE_CHECKING",
 line-length = 79
Index: cryptography-43.0.0/tests/bench/test_aead.py
--- cryptography-43.0.0.orig/tests/bench/test_aead.py
+++ cryptography-43.0.0/tests/bench/test_aead.py
@@ -26,84 +26,84 @@ def _aead_supported(cls):
     not _aead_supported(ChaCha20Poly1305),
     reason="Requires OpenSSL with ChaCha20Poly1305 support",
-def test_chacha20poly1305_encrypt(benchmark):
+def test_chacha20poly1305_encrypt():
     chacha = ChaCha20Poly1305(b"\x00" * 32)
-    benchmark(chacha.encrypt, b"\x00" * 12, b"hello world plaintext", b"")
+    chacha.encrypt(b"\x00" * 12, b"hello world plaintext", b"")
     not _aead_supported(ChaCha20Poly1305),
     reason="Requires OpenSSL with ChaCha20Poly1305 support",
-def test_chacha20poly1305_decrypt(benchmark):
+def test_chacha20poly1305_decrypt():
     chacha = ChaCha20Poly1305(b"\x00" * 32)
     ct = chacha.encrypt(b"\x00" * 12, b"hello world plaintext", b"")
-    benchmark(chacha.decrypt, b"\x00" * 12, ct, b"")
+    chacha.decrypt(b"\x00" * 12, ct, b"")
-def test_aesgcm_encrypt(benchmark):
+def test_aesgcm_encrypt():
     aes = AESGCM(b"\x00" * 32)
-    benchmark(aes.encrypt, b"\x00" * 12, b"hello world plaintext", None)
+    aes.encrypt(b"\x00" * 12, b"hello world plaintext", None)
-def test_aesgcm_decrypt(benchmark):
+def test_aesgcm_decrypt():
     aes = AESGCM(b"\x00" * 32)
     ct = aes.encrypt(b"\x00" * 12, b"hello world plaintext", None)
-    benchmark(aes.decrypt, b"\x00" * 12, ct, None)
+    aes.decrypt(b"\x00" * 12, ct, None)
     not _aead_supported(AESSIV),
     reason="Requires OpenSSL with AES-SIV support",
-def test_aessiv_encrypt(benchmark):
+def test_aessiv_encrypt():
     aes = AESSIV(b"\x00" * 32)
-    benchmark(aes.encrypt, b"hello world plaintext", None)
+    aes.encrypt(b"hello world plaintext", None)
     not _aead_supported(AESSIV),
     reason="Requires OpenSSL with AES-SIV support",
-def test_aessiv_decrypt(benchmark):
+def test_aessiv_decrypt():
     aes = AESSIV(b"\x00" * 32)
     ct = aes.encrypt(b"hello world plaintext", None)
-    benchmark(aes.decrypt, ct, None)
+    aes.decrypt(ct, None)
     not _aead_supported(AESOCB3),
     reason="Requires OpenSSL with AES-OCB3 support",
-def test_aesocb3_encrypt(benchmark):
+def test_aesocb3_encrypt():
     aes = AESOCB3(b"\x00" * 32)
-    benchmark(aes.encrypt, b"\x00" * 12, b"hello world plaintext", None)
+    aes.encrypt(b"\x00" * 12, b"hello world plaintext", None)
     not _aead_supported(AESOCB3),
     reason="Requires OpenSSL with AES-OCB3 support",
-def test_aesocb3_decrypt(benchmark):
+def test_aesocb3_decrypt():
     aes = AESOCB3(b"\x00" * 32)
     ct = aes.encrypt(b"\x00" * 12, b"hello world plaintext", None)
-    benchmark(aes.decrypt, b"\x00" * 12, ct, None)
+    aes.decrypt(b"\x00" * 12, ct, None)
     not _aead_supported(AESCCM),
     reason="Requires OpenSSL with AES-CCM support",
-def test_aesccm_encrypt(benchmark):
+def test_aesccm_encrypt():
     aes = AESCCM(b"\x00" * 32)
-    benchmark(aes.encrypt, b"\x00" * 12, b"hello world plaintext", None)
+    aes.encrypt(b"\x00" * 12, b"hello world plaintext", None)
     not _aead_supported(AESCCM),
     reason="Requires OpenSSL with AES-CCM support",
-def test_aesccm_decrypt(benchmark):
+def test_aesccm_decrypt():
     aes = AESCCM(b"\x00" * 32)
     ct = aes.encrypt(b"\x00" * 12, b"hello world plaintext", None)
-    benchmark(aes.decrypt, b"\x00" * 12, ct, None)
+    aes.decrypt(b"\x00" * 12, ct, None)
Index: cryptography-43.0.0/tests/bench/test_ec_load.py
--- cryptography-43.0.0.orig/tests/bench/test_ec_load.py
+++ cryptography-43.0.0/tests/bench/test_ec_load.py
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@
 from ..hazmat.primitives.fixtures_ec import EC_KEY_SECP256R1
-def test_load_ec_public_numbers(benchmark):
-    benchmark(EC_KEY_SECP256R1.public_numbers.public_key)
+def test_load_ec_public_numbers():
+    EC_KEY_SECP256R1.public_numbers.public_key()
-def test_load_ec_private_numbers(benchmark):
-    benchmark(EC_KEY_SECP256R1.private_key)
+def test_load_ec_private_numbers():
+    EC_KEY_SECP256R1.private_key()
Index: cryptography-43.0.0/tests/bench/test_hashes.py
--- cryptography-43.0.0.orig/tests/bench/test_hashes.py
+++ cryptography-43.0.0/tests/bench/test_hashes.py
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
-def test_sha256(benchmark):
+def test_sha256():
     def bench():
         h = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA256())
         h.update(b"I love hashing. So much. The best.")
         return h.finalize()
-    benchmark(bench)
+    bench()
Index: cryptography-43.0.0/tests/bench/test_hmac.py
--- cryptography-43.0.0.orig/tests/bench/test_hmac.py
+++ cryptography-43.0.0/tests/bench/test_hmac.py
@@ -5,10 +5,10 @@
 from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes, hmac
-def test_hmac_sha256(benchmark):
+def test_hmac_sha256():
     def bench():
         h = hmac.HMAC(b"my extremely secure key", hashes.SHA256())
         h.update(b"I love hashing. So much. The best.")
         return h.finalize()
-    benchmark(bench)
+    bench()
Index: cryptography-43.0.0/tests/bench/test_x509.py
--- cryptography-43.0.0.orig/tests/bench/test_x509.py
+++ cryptography-43.0.0/tests/bench/test_x509.py
@@ -13,40 +13,40 @@ from cryptography import x509
 from ..utils import load_vectors_from_file
-def test_object_identifier_constructor(benchmark):
-    benchmark(x509.ObjectIdentifier, "")
+def test_object_identifier_constructor():
+    x509.ObjectIdentifier, ""
-def test_aki_public_bytes(benchmark):
+def test_aki_public_bytes():
     aki = x509.AuthorityKeyIdentifier(
         key_identifier=b"\x00" * 16,
-    benchmark(aki.public_bytes)
+    aki.public_bytes
-def test_load_der_certificate(benchmark):
+def test_load_der_certificate():
     cert_bytes = load_vectors_from_file(
         os.path.join("x509", "PKITS_data", "certs", "GoodCACert.crt"),
         loader=lambda pemfile: pemfile.read(),
-    benchmark(x509.load_der_x509_certificate, cert_bytes)
+    x509.load_der_x509_certificate, cert_bytes
-def test_load_pem_certificate(benchmark):
+def test_load_pem_certificate():
     cert_bytes = load_vectors_from_file(
         os.path.join("x509", "cryptography.io.pem"),
         loader=lambda pemfile: pemfile.read(),
-    benchmark(x509.load_pem_x509_certificate, cert_bytes)
+    x509.load_pem_x509_certificate, cert_bytes
-def test_verify_docs_python_org(benchmark, pytestconfig):
+def test_verify_docs_python_org(pytestconfig):
     limbo_root = pytestconfig.getoption("--x509-limbo-root", skip=True)
     with open(os.path.join(limbo_root, "limbo.json"), "rb") as f:
         [testcase] = [
@@ -78,4 +78,4 @@ def test_verify_docs_python_org(benchmar
         verifier.verify(leaf, intermediates)
-    benchmark(bench)
+    bench
Index: cryptography-43.0.0/tests/bench/test_fernet.py
--- cryptography-43.0.0.orig/tests/bench/test_fernet.py
+++ cryptography-43.0.0/tests/bench/test_fernet.py
@@ -5,6 +5,6 @@
 from cryptography import fernet
-def test_fernet_encrypt(benchmark):
+def test_fernet_encrypt():
     f = fernet.Fernet(fernet.Fernet.generate_key())
-    benchmark(f.encrypt, b"\x00" * 256)
+    f.encrypt(b"\x00" * 256)